Friday, February 8, 2008

Parking woes

Paying for parking makes me angry. Paying MORE for parking, more often, makes me very angry. Sign the petition against increasing downtown parking meter fees and times. It's ludicrous.
From the committee opposed to increased fees and times:
"We have updated our online petition. Please support our efforts and sign the new updated petition if you have not already done so. More importantly make your view known to your Ward Councillor.
Nous vous demandons de bien signer notre pétition et de plus faire connaître vos commentaires à votre conseiller.
Those who voted FOR the increase on Transportation Committee this week were:
Les conseillers suivant ont voté en faveur de la hausse des tarifs au Comité des transports cette semaine:
Mayor/ Maire O’Brien
Councillors / Conseillers : Wilkinson, Cullen, Bloess, Thompson and McRae.
The item goes to Council either on February 13th or 27th.
Le rapport sera à l’ordre du jour au Conseil le 13 ou 27 février."

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